• Round trip airfare from Phoenix.
  • $190 Government taxes/airline surcharges.
  • Accommodations at first class/select hotels, based on two persons sharing in twin-bedded
  • rooms with private bath.
  • Most meals.
  • Services of a professional English-speaking tour director.
  • Comprehensive sightseeing throughout.
  • All admission fees, porterage at hotels, hotel taxes and service charges are included.
  • Transfers to/from airports by private motorcoach including meeting/assistance.
  • Masses daily

See full itinerary in the Mexico Pilgrimage Brochure

Our Spiritual Director

Father Bala Kommathoti was ordained on March 13, 2002 in India. He has been a priest for 22 years. He came to Tucson in 2015, and is currently the Pastor of St. Bartholomew in San Manuel, Arizona, Blessed Sacrament in Mammoth, Arizona, and St. Helen in Oracle, Arizona.

Father Bala teaches Level One & Two Religious Education Certification courses through the Diocese of Tucson. He is the Spiritual Director for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Ministry, Vine of Grace Retreat Ministry, Rachels Vineyard Ministry and the Marian Movement of Priest Cenacle of St. Joseph.

Fr. Bala’s love for the Lord, spirit filled enthusiasm for evangelization and passion and dedication to his vocation is evident and contagious! He is a blessing to all those he serves!

We are in for a treat with Fr. Bala as our Spiritual Director on our pilgrimage to Mexico